14 novembro, 2010

Relato sobre Ensino a Distância


Fui recentemente convidado a prestar um relato sobre o Ensino a Distância no âmbito do Mestrado da Pedagogia do eLearning da Universidade Aberta.
Aproveitando esta oportunidade, decidi expor algumas das minhas ideias num relato em vídeo, no qual retrato e desenvolvo 3 ideias principais:
1. A minha experiência como aluno online.
2. Principais aspectos a considerar no Ensino a Distância em 2010.
3. Dois teóricos do elearning que desejo estudar.

Como resumo das ideias que apresento, gostava de reforçar o seguinte: 

1. A experiência de ser aluno de um curso em formato elearning é uma experiência valiosa para qualquer formador/professor que pretenda ensinar sobre e através desta modalidade de ensino. O papel de aluno permite-nos descobrir as ansiedades e dificuldades que os alunos sentem num curso a distância, assim como enriquece o nosso leque de competências ao interagirmos com outros professores e alunos. É claramente um experiência enriquecedora em todos os sentidos!

2. A Tecnologia que hoje se desenvolve permite que novos dispositivos e plataformas estejam a revolucionar a nossa forma de comunicar no ciber-espaço e o acesso à informação. Neste contexto, é fundamental que o Ensino a Distância abrace esta novas tecnologias permitindo assim uma maior mobilidade, flexibilidade tempo-espaço e interacção entre alunos e professores.

3. Os dispositivos móveis são um novo desafio ao Ensino a Distância pois permitem o acesso imediato a conteúdos e redes de informação,libertando o aluno da necessidade de trabalhar apenas no seu computador pessoal. Mas este é um tema que irei estudar e aprofundar num futuro próximo. Partilharei as minhas conclusões e estudo neste blog sempre que achar conveniente.

4. O Ensino a Distância vive uma mudança de paradigma centrada em conteúdos para uma centrada em redes de aprendizagem. Esta mudança (se for realmente real) necessita de ser analisada e implementada nas instituições de ensino e formação que pretendam desenvolver uma modalidade de ensino a distância. Estudar os trabalhos de Marc Rosenberg e George Siemens é uma boa opção para quem queira compreender o passado e o futuro do elearning. Muitos outros autores devem também ser considerados (obviamente).

Gostaria de ser confrontado com a opinião e crítica de outros profissionais sobre estas afirmações.
Assim como qualquer pessoa neste mundo, estou a desenvolver um percurso de aprendizagem o qual deve ser construído e acompanhado por uma crítica construtiva. Espero que tenham aprendido coisas novas comigo e desejo aprender coisas novas convosco. 

Esta é a minha principal mensagem deste relato!

21 julho, 2010

Software livre para produção de recursos educativos em Áudio e Vídeo.


A criação de recursos educativos de qualidade é um dos grandes interesses/preocupações de um educador (professor, tutor, formador), indo de encontro à necessidade de promover junto dos alunos a compreensão e mobilização do seu próprio conhecimento perante os conteúdos curriculares estabelecidos. Este objectivo, comum a qualquer educador, impulsionou a crescente utilização de aplicações computacionais para a criação e utilização de recursos educativos adaptados às actividades pedagógicas planeadas.

Actualmente, estas aplicações computacionais estão cada vez mais acessíveis, oferecendo aos educadores todo um arsenal tecnológico para a produção de recursos educativos 
de sua própria autoria ou para serem utilizados por alunos em actividades pedagógicas.

Neste blog post irei partilhar várias aplicações computacionais, de utilização livre, para a edição Áudio e Vídeo.

Quando falo em aplicações de utilização livre, refiro-me a software (aplicações que necessitam de serem instaladas nos computadores) e webware (aplicações que funcionam directamente a partir de um browser) disponíveis a qualquer utilizador sem custos associados (licenças ou serviços pagos), que podem ser, ou não, open source.

Aplicações para Edição Áudio

Esta simples aplicação permite a gravação de faixas áudio a partir de microfones, sons reproduzidos na placa de som do seu computador e até de internet rádios.

Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Windows

É um dos mais populares editores áudio que existem. Permite gravação e edição em múltiplas faixas e apresenta um vasto leque de efeitos sonoros. Exporta ficheiros em .wav e .mp3.

Tutoriais (wiki oficial)
Tutoriais (YouTube)
Disponível para Sistemas Operativos:Linux, Windows e Mac

Este editor aúdio multi-faixa funciona directamente a partir do seu browser. Permite edição colaborativa com vários utilizadores. Faz parte da suite multimédia online Aviary.

Tutoriais (YouTube)
SO Independente

Editor de áudio multi-faixa mais direccionado para captura de instrumentos musicais. É um projecto em ainda desenvolvimento, mas já apresenta funcionalidades de edição avançadas.

Documentação de apoio 
Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Linux e Windows.

Estas quatro aplicações para edição áudio, foram escolhidas por representarem vários níveis de utilização. Desde o simples gravador áudio até ao mais complexo gravador/editor para instrumentos musicais. Destaque para o Audacity, que é um dos projectos open-source mais reconhecidos e recomendados para a produção de podcasts educativos. 

Aplicações para Edição Vídeo 

Software para conversão de ficheiros vídeo em diferentes formatos e para tarefas básicas de edição.

Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Linux e Windows*

Editor Vídeo para tarefas mais básicas mas suficientemente versátil para cineastas amadores.

Tutorial (site)
Tutoriais (YouTube) 
Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Linux e Windows*

Editor vídeo para utilizadores que pretendam mais soluções de edição para projectos semi-profissionais.

Tutoriais (site)
Tutoriais (Youtube) 

Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Linux e Mac OS

Poderosa suite de produção vídeo e animação em 3D com funcionalidades avançadas.

Disponível para Sistemas Operativos: Linux, Windows e Mac OS

Os quatro editores vídeo recomendados foram seleccionados por serem todos open-source (código aberto e de livre utilização) e representam diferentes níveis de complexidade que se pode encontrar em aplicações deste género: desde o simples conversor/editor à avançada plataforma de produção 3D.

Espero que estas sugestões sejam úteis para quem se interesse na produção de conteúdos audio-visuais para fins educativos. Para reforçar esse interesse, associei a cada aplicação links para documentação de apoio e tutoriais.
De salientar que existem vários aplicações do género, mas decidi apresentar apenas estas por serem compatíveis com vários sistemas operativos. 

Se tiver algum recomendação a fazer, partilhe através de um comentário. Será muito bem-vinda!

E não se esqueça: Não há maior força motivacional que a criatividade!

(Ahhh...ia-me esquecendo! Boas férias de Verão) 

06 julho, 2010

Audiobooks como Recursos Educativos Abertos


Este blog post tem como objectivo apresentar o potencial educativo dos audiobooks como Recursos Educativos Abertos (REA).

O que são REA?

Segundo a definição atribuída pela UESCO, os REA são materiais educativos de acesso livre, suportados por tecnologias de informação e comunicação (TIC), disponíveis para consulta, uso e adaptação por uma comunidade de educadores para fins não comerciais.

O acesso a estes recursos é, hoje em dia, um aspecto muito importante para um educador. Mas igualmente importante é a sua criação. 

O crescente interesse na produção de REA de qualidade, tem impulsionado educadores de todo o mundo para a utilização de aplicações computacionais para a criação e adaptação de recursos educativos para as mais variadas actividades pedagógicas, formais ou informais.

Um dos formatos digitais que mais tem beneficiado deste crescente interesse, é o áudio, nomeadamente por causa dos podcasts. No entanto, os podcasts não são os únicos recursos educativos no domínio sonoro. Os audiobooks também são óptimos recursos educativos e com imenso potencial educativo.

O que são audiobooks? 

Os audiobook são conversões para o formato áudio, de livros e textos literários, criados através da narração dos seus conteúdos. Consistem em agrupamentos de ficheiros áudio no formato mp3, em que cada ficheiro representa os capítulos (ou partes) de um livro.

O processo de criação de um audiobook não varia muito de um podcast. Utilizando um software de edição áudio para a gravação de vários ficheiros áudio, um educador pode facilmente agregar esses mesmos ficheiros em capítulos, dando origem à versão final do audiobook.
Para demonstrar este processo produzi o tutorial "Como criar um Audiobook", no qual indico as várias etapas necessárias para a criação de um audiobook, utilizando aplicações acessíveis a qualquer educador.

Como pode ver, a produção de um audiobook não exige um enquadramento profissional. Utilizando software livre e um bom microfone, é possível criar um audiobook de qualidade. 
Mais interessante ainda é promover a criação de um audiobook como uma actividade educativa. Para exemplificar que os audiobooks, para além de serem óptimos REA, também podem ser eles próprios, uma interessante actividade educativa, desenvolvi o website Do texto ao Audiobook

Neste website irá encontrar uma planificação de uma actividade educativa, baseada na criação de um audiobook como REA. Nessa planificação, poderá observar as tarefas que os alunos e o professor terão que desenvolver num ambiente de aprendizagem totalmente online - elearning.

Para além da actividade educativa, também poderá consultar no website, o tutorial apresentado anteriormente e o diário de produção do mesmo, onde indico as minhas ideias que levaram a produção do tutorial. Também existe uma secção dedicada a REA, onde apresento exemplos de REA que poderá utilizar para a actividade educativa, assim como várias definições de REA. 

Espero com este website mobilizar a atenção e o interesse de educadores para a importância deste tipo de recursos para a Educação. 
Gostava de contar com o contributo de outros educadores para o melhorar e desenvolver os conteúdos do website. Por isso, se tem ideias ou sugestões, partilhe através de um comentário ou contacte-me via email - hugodmg@gmail.com.

Espero que este post tenha sido do seu interesse. Como bónus, indico-lhe o acesso a um dos meus audiobooks preferidos (e o grande impulsionador do meu interesse sobre audiobooks):
Free: The Future of a Radical Price da autoria de Chris Anderson - Free download

Boas escutas...na companhia do HD elearning.

22 maio, 2010

Transparency in NKI - Learning Object

With this final Learning Object for the course Pedagogical Processes of eLearning, I finish my research about Norwegian Knowledge Institute (NKI) Online Education model.

For Unit 1 I developed an LO about Cooperative Freedom in NKI explaining how the theory of Cooperative freedom influences the learning experience of an online student.

For Unit 2, I decided to explore what are the Online Teaching Techniques used by the teachers at NKI and how they interact with their students throw the NKI's LMS - SESAM.

For Unit 3 I explore the concept of transparency and describe how NKI developed a system of Learning Partners for students to cooperate, based on the principles of social networking sites.

(Click at Full Screen for better reading)

With this LO I conclude my investigation about the online education model from NKI.
If you're interested in the previous LOs, you can check them throw the following links:

Online Teaching at NKI - Learning Object Unit 2 

Cooperative Freedom in NKI - Learning Object Unit 1 

If you enjoyed my work, feel free to tweet or leave a comment.

12 maio, 2010

Transparency in Online Education - An annotated Bibliography

In this Annotated bibliography I want to share the research a made about transparency in online education. But how's transparency related with online education? To answer this question I organized several online resources that will guide you throw the exploration of the concept transparency and what does it mean in the context of online education.

I want to start with a funny but enlighten resource.

1. Figueiredo, José Carlos e Simões, Paulo. Transparency in Cooperative Online Education. Flv. Go! Animate, 2010. http://goanimate.com/movie/0t_WqQCZr6m8.

GoAnimate.com: Transparency in Cooperative Online Education by jcarlos

Like it? Create your own at GoAnimate.com. It's free and fun!

With this animated video we can start to understand what transparency is: The ability to share, as students, our learning paths and outcomes to a wider public beyond the closed sphere of teachers and colleges at school. The video underlies an important aspect essential in learning: feedback!
Feedback from colleges or random web user that are able to see and develop critical view of online students work. Comparing a close sharing environment, like schools, to a more transparent online educational environments, where openness provide a wider public view , this video gives us the base for discussing the importance of transparency in online education.  Openness in sharing self made resources provides more feedback. More feedback drives more quality and cooperative learning between students.

This is a good base for developing the concept of transparency and it's importance to learning.
To develop a more precise idea for the concept of transparency in online education I recommend the reading of the following resource:

2. Valente, Sónia, e Telma Jesus.Transparency in Online Education. Janeiro 2010. Issuu. http://issuu.com/telmaesonia/docs/transparency_work_soniatelma1

This document in the result of the research developed by the two authors about transparency. And it is really well done because it focus on several key aspects .
One of those aspects is the definition and importance of transparency in online education, explained by Dalsgaard & Paulsen:  "Transparency means that you and your doings are visible to fellow students and teachers within a learning environment (…) and to make participants available to each other as resources for their learning activities". I think this is definitely the best way to describe the importance of transparency. Individuals (students and teachers) sharing  knowledge and feedback in an open learning environment.
Then the work develops the importance between tranparency between students and between tutors, again based on Paulsen and Dalsgaard paper.
One thing I may disagree is the very optimist conclusion presented in the end:
"Transparency brings the opportunity to improve knowledge quality with less effort, because exist many people to work and sharing for the same goal: learn more, learn better, in less time!" I do agree that a more transparente approach in online education brings improved quality and a more engaging learning experience, but I do not agree with the "less time" argument. If you work on a networked environment with multiple sources of knowledge, how can you learn faster if you have more information to digest. I don't want to affirm that you  learn less. What I believe is that when you spend more time connecting with others, you can have more efficiency in producing new knowledge! That's my opinion. Networking gives you more information, more critical analysis, more quality, more efficiency and more motivation in the overall learning experience.

But how can universities develop this transparency and openness in their elearning framework?
To help answering this question I recommend the following article:

3. Dalsgaard, Christian. Social software: E-learning beyond learning management systems. Institute of Information and Media Studies - University of Aarhus. http://www.eurodl.org/materials/contrib/2006/Christian_Dalsgaard.htm.

In this papper, Dalsgaard argues the importance to "move e-learning beyond learning management systems and engage students in an active use of the web as a resource for their self-governed, problem-based and collaborative activities". Concentrating his arguments in a social constructivist view for online education, the author recommends an new approach for students learning activities and interactions based on social software and networks. The author don't want to "destroy" the LMS, a system that  integrates the necessary tools to manage an elearning course. What the author challenges is how can be possible to integrate social software within an LMS.
The author presents some tools classified as social software: "The examples of social software technologies (…) include weblogs, wikis, RSS feeds and social bookmarking". One very important and lucid argument the author makes is recognizing that "Although social software tools are not created for educational purposes, I will argue that they can be used to support learning.". This is very important to understand the importance of integrating social software in a LMS. In fact, it's possible to combine the best of both online environments and  I definitely agree with that!
Even more interesting is this conclusion:
"Using a management system, personal tools and social networks differs from the sole use of an integrated LMS. The approach differs in terms of focusing on empowerment of students as opposed to management of learning." This is major shift in actual educational models. To empower students instead of closing them in structured online course designed by a teacher. This is  especially relevant for the development of students skills that "not only learn a specific topic, but they are equipped with tools to navigate and make active use of the web to solve future problems." and "After the end of a course or an education, the networks continue to exist. Continued participation in social networks and creation of new networks give people access to a vast number of people and other resources.". Now that transparency working for empowering students autonomy, cooperation and lifelong learning. Isn't this the objective of modern education? Yes, definitely! 

A good example of how this integration (LMS + social software) is been developed is the NKI model for online education. The following resource, offer a view of NKI strategy:

4. Paulsen, Morten Flate. Visualizing Student Profiles through NKI's Online Catalogue and Student Networks. Cambridge International Conference on Open Distance Learning, Setembro 23, 2009. http://www.slideshare.net/MortenFP/visualizing-student-profiles-through-nkis-online-catalogue-and-student-network.

With this slideshow is possible to see how NKI developed their approach for integrating social networks features in an online educational environment. By allowing students to developed a public profile (slide 15) and decide their privacy levels, students can involve with each other  by connecting as learning partners.  This strategy was well received by the students and the numbers of public profiles are increasing. More important is that this strategy allows individual flexibility and cooperative learning at different levels. Every students can decide how to progress and with who. This is only possible with transparency. And that transparency goes beyond the online education, as students use their profile as portfolio when seeking jobs. How many universities allow this?


Final note:

I can clearly defend that transparency and social networks are important features that any online education institution must think and develop. Empowering students with personal learning environment, besides the common LMS, can drive them to more engaging, productive and quality based learning experience. My experience as an online student in Universidade Aberta is a proof of that!

These readings were important to me because now I have a more wider perspective for the development of the elearning framework that I want to develop to portuguese universities.  Thinking beyond the LMS was already clear to me, but  now I have the arguments to develop a new pedagogical and technical framework for elearning.


Other related bibliographies:

04 maio, 2010

Tips for online teaching and workload management.

Developing and manage an online course it's no ride in the park. It's really hard work! 
As an e-tutor, I'm amazed with the amount of offline work a online teacher has when starts an online course. And I'm not talking about designing the course. I'm talking about the massive load of email reading and students assessment and support.
I recently had the opportunity to discuss this issues with colleges and professors in one of the courses I'm having in the Master "Pedagogy of elearning". Every student was invited to present thoughts or recommendations for online teaching and workload management.

I decided to share some tips  I developed has an online tutor and elearning trainer and I'm going to share them also here:

1. Prepare your course in advance:

It's vital that you have all the course planned in advance. Never produce learning material during the course, because it increase your time limitation for discussion with students. The activities must be well planned, although you might consider change some specific aspects according with the students skills. If you feel that they are more digital friendly you might promote more use of multimedia elements, but try not to chance a lot your initial plan.

2. Develop a quick assessment guide:
Beside the content and activities, it's important that you develop the assessment criteria that you want to use for the students works and participation. Don't get to much evolved in large and never-ending criteria. For each activity decide what competences and skills you want to evaluate the students. Don't forget that for each activity you may select a range of criteria. Do not use them all in just one activity or you will me suffocated with the assessment and don't have the time for feedback and support for the students.

3. Master the tools:
Before using a new tool for the course, master it. Do not attempt to learn a new tool during the course. Do it between courses!
Imagine you want to try a new authoring tool to develop a e-content or use a LMS tool for activities with students (example: wiki or quiz). You don't know if the end result it's what you wanted or if it is compatible with your LMS, for example. Result: you probably develop a bad e-content or delay your initial plan (read rule 1).
Use the time between courses to learn how to use the new tools. And master them! Know the full potential of that software or LMS feature!

4. Develop a personal FAQ

Students tend to express common  doubts and requests for help. If you collect those doubts and the responses you give in a personal document, it will be easier to answer each time a new student request your help. It'll save you a lot of time! Usually, students don't read a FAQ in the course page, but it's useful to have one, especially with answers regarding software and more technical doubts.
Also prepare some screencasts videos and pictures to visually give more impact to your answers. Sometimes, an image can be more powerful than 20 words!

5. Use webware to manage your email and quick content production:
I highly recommend Gmail to manage the massive load of emails that you receive during a course. You can access it anywhere with any computer. If you are on a trip or your computer dies on you, you still have access to the new emails and the older ones. Also use webware to produce quick content like video, audio or image.
If I need to create a quick screencast tutorial I use Screenr to create and share it online. Also it's always available and I can embed it on the course.  For audio and image I use Aviary suite. Again, all webware (online use) and embeddable features. This is a more geeky tip!

6. Promote cooperation between students.

Avoid getting in all the discussions. Promote the participation between students. Give extra credits for those students that help others and develop more complex ideas.
Also promote students peer-reviewing. This has two advantages: one, students can give a more personal view on each others works. Secondly, by reviewing others works, they develop a more critique analysis of their own work. This will increase the quality of their works and give the teacher more  ime for assessment.

These are some of the most important tips I can share with you. Hope they can be useful.
Personally, I've learned a lot hearing other teachers strategies and doubts, so my last advice is learn from others teachers and share your expertise!

Talking about sharing, I've a surprise!
It's an online debate I'm having with my colleges, using a great tool - Voice Thread.  
Using Kate Butler "How to Manage your Online Teacher Workload" paper has a background for discussion, several colleges have shared their toughs and ideias. Check it out and feel free to participate with your own recommendations!

23 abril, 2010

Online Teaching at NKI - Learning Object Unit 2

For the Unit 2 of the course Pedagogical Processes of eLearning, I continued my research about Norwegian Knowledge Institute (NKI) Online Education model.

For Unit 1 I developed an LO about Cooperative Freedom in NKI explaining how the theory of Cooperative freedom influences the learning experience of an online student.

For the Learning Object of Unit 2, I decided to explore what are the Online Teaching Techniques used by the teachers at NKI and how they interact with their students throw the NKI's LMS - SESAM.

(Click at Full Screen for better reading)Online Teaching on NKI
View more presentations from Hugo Domingos. 

I had some limitations on accessing the real SESAM LMS, but I think this LO offers an good initial overview of how the teachers at NKI develop their teaching techniques, communication, assessment and feedback for students progress.
For Unit 3 I will try to show how transparency between online students can promote a more engaging learning community, with a lite help of social networking features.

Hope you enjoy the LO.

09 abril, 2010

Online Teaching Techniques - an Annotated Bibliography

The following Bibliography is related to Online Teaching Techniques that can be applied on Online Education. 
Imagine you're a teacher that as been invited to tutor, for the first time, an online course. How can you make the transition from a classroom to an online educational environment?
The following articles and resources were selected to help teachers that want to learn how to develop online teaching techniques.

The first reading I recommend is:

1. Terry Anderson. “Teaching in an Online Learning Context.” In Theory and Practice of Online Learning. http://cde.athabascau.ca/online_book/ch11.html#one.  

This resource is the 11th Chapter of the book "Theory and Practice of Online Learning" provided by the Athabasca University and the author is Dr.Terry Anderson Professor & Canada Research Chair in Distance Education. 
In this chapter “Teaching in an Online Learning Context” the author "outlines the three major components of teacher presence, and provided suggestions and guidelines for maximizing the effectiveness of the teaching function in online learning". 
Those three components are: design and organization, facilitating discourse, and direct instruction. Reading this chapter should be the first step to all teachers when creating an online course.

After this introductory reading, I would recommend the following presentation:

2. Geoffrey Cain, M.S. “Seven Principles of Effective Teaching Online.” http://www.slideshare.net/geoffcain/seven-principles-of-effective-teaching-online-presentation.

View more presentations from Geoff Cain.
This presentation is very important for two reasons: 
1. It shows 7 teaching principles for face-to-face teaching and compares them to online tutoring. The information is very well designed and explained, making this presentation a valuable learning resource for teachers.
2. By comparing the face-to face teaching to online teaching, this presentation can help teachers that have to face, for the first time, the transition between these learning environments.

After reading the above resources, a teacher may be considering "What activities and techniques may I use in a online course?". For that question I recommend the reading of the following resources, that are all about online teaching techniques:

3. “Course Redesign Guide.” Centre for Teaching and Learning - Queen's University. http://www.queensu.ca/ctl/goodpractice/technology/resources.html#designing.

In this web page you will find the Course Redesign Guide that "can be used to guide the development of learning objectives and the linking of a each instructional component to a course objective".
The guide is structured by types of learning objectives (Know, Do and Think), teaching and learning techniques and types of technology that a teachers can use for their online courses. It's a great resource because it rounds up critical points about online teaching for teachers that are starters in elearning.

Is this report, the Hanover Research Council reviews the best practice teaching strategies in the field of online education. I this divided in three sections: 
1. Overview of the Principles, Guidelines, and Benchmarks for Online Education: best practices for online teaching with a review of the variety of guidelines and principles of online education.
2. Best Practices in Online Teaching Strategies: strategies for  planning and management of online instruction, the actual teaching process and student assessment and evaluation.
3. An Exemplary Program and Examples of Effective Practices: examples of an award-winning online education program and the teaching practices of three award-winning instructors. 
This report is highly recommended for teachers that want to learn the best studied strategies for online education. After reading some teaching techniques in the above resources, this report will show you which ones are the best for the development of effective online learning and teaching.

Finally and because we are in the age of Web 2.0, I must include the following presentation, that illustrates that online learning it's not only what happens inside a LMS.

5. Sanjaya Mishra. “Designing Online Learning, Web 2.0 and Online Learning Resources” apresentado em National Workshop on Development of Self Learning Materials for Distance and Online Learning., 2009. http://www.slideshare.net/missan/designing-online-learning-web-20-and-online-learning-resources.

View more presentations from Sanjaya Mishra.
In this presentation, the author illustrates what is Online Education and the educational theories that support it. This presentation is very useful for new e-teachers because it shows some tools and teaching techniques used in online education and how the Web 2.0 can evolve those processes to new learning and teaching strategies. If you are a teacher that wants to develop online course, use these tips given by Prof. Sanjaya Mishra! 

Are you read for Online Teaching? 

21 março, 2010

Cooperative Freedom in NKI - Learning Object Unit 1 PPeL

In this following Learning Object, I show how Cooperative Freedom in NKI influence the learning experience of an online student.

This is Unit 1 of 3 of my research about Online Education in NKI.
Cooperative Freedom in NKI

This work is a result of my research about Cooperative Freedom for the course Pedagogical Processes in eLearning.

For Unit 2 and 3 I will try to demonstrate how online teaching techiques and transparency in online education may influence the learning experience of online students.
I'm really interested in studying the NKI model because, for my dissertation, I wish to develop a elearning framework of Portuguese universities and I truly think that I can learn a lot from the NKI experience.